Outreach Program
Carpinteria Middle School Program
Healthy Sexuality Program
Recess Club

Carpinteria Middle School Program
We provide youth enrichment programs on school campuses, through engaging and educational activities to enhance the student experience during and outside of school hours. This proposal outlines a multi-faceted approach to improve students knowledge, provide education on topics they would not otherwise get in their regular curriculum, and foster a positive school culture and holistic wellbeing for all students.
Background: Collaboration for student engagement and success have become increasingly important for fostering holistically successful academic and personal development among young people. Such programs encourage positive social engagement, and improve academic achievement. Additionally, these programs can create long-term positive impacts that continue into adulthood. We are grateful for the continued partnership with CUSD over the past 28 years. and look forward to growing our relationship to serve even more students and help the distict achieve its goals
Healthy Sexuality Program
In partnership with the Carpinteria Unified School District, Girls Inc. of Carpinteria provides sexual health programming to middle and high school youth during the school day. Youth acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to take charge of and make informed, thoughtful decisions about their sexual health.
Recess Club
Girls Inc. of Carpinteria is dedicated to promoting physical and hands-on activities while creating an inclusive environment for children. We were excited to launch Recess Club in elementary schools within our community. The Recess Club aims to create a safe and welcoming space for students during school recess, providing fun and engaging activities to promote physical activity, teamwork, and socialization. Led by trained staff, Recess Club focuses on promoting healthy play, encouraging positive social interactions, and fostering a sense of community for all students. In light of recent studies showing decreases in recess time in elementary schools, Girls Inc. is committed to filling this gap and ensuring students have access to a well-rounded education that includes healthy socialization and fun various activities.